Rip used to come to work with me and to say he loved it is an understatement.
Rip’s “official’ name is C-Myste Baldwr SN Surfin’ USA CD BN RA OAP AJP OFP CGC TKN RATO VC. Rip was born in 2010 and bred by Carolyn Cannon, Mandy Katasse, and Megan Hansleman.
I got Rip as a 10-week-old puppy and have loved (nearly) every minute of our time together. Rip has an exuberant personality, loves humans, and LOVES LOVES LOVES to work. He has been a joy to train - he is happy, smart, and thinks working with me is the best thing ever (the feeling is mutual). We’ve earned AKC titles in obedience, rally, agility, and trick dog, and he’s loved them all. Rip is also an AKC Canine Good Citizen, which was a hard-earned title due to the previously mentioned exuberance.
Here’s a link to Rip’s pedigree: